Half the fun is searching

Friday, August 24, 2007

Blog title record

Well, if you didn't notice, here is the deal. The title to my blog keeps changing randomly in time but depending on my mood, depending on the article I publish. So I thought it would be really fun, if I put all the blog titles I have changed till now.Like a small blog title record.

So from the top of my mind, let me remember and write some of them down.

1. Perspective India
2. Red is the Colour
3. Watch this space for new headings
4. Atlast, a real blog!
5. Stay Gray . Stay neutral
6. Speaking the Mind
7. Frozen in time
8. In the prison of Happiness
9. Under Massive Reconstruction
10. The Butterfly Effect
11. Into Business of Busyness
12. Chuck It!
13. Surf's Up!
14. We live on a needle point of balance.
15. It's good. Trust me, I wrote it!
16. Perusing Thoughts
17. Pondering over nothing is genius!

List would be updated as and when it should. Can I have this as a blog post? Will somebody be interested. I don't know, I am. Somebody else should be too.

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