Love and lust are two most intertwinned subjects of great interest. The line of seperation between the two is so blurr it can barely be called a line. Or is it just a perspective? Is there a huge difference between the two, some would vouch for that to be true. Lust is a battlefield of hormones, and Love the medicine for everything in life.
Lust is neccessary for Love to happen. It is the "love at first sight" which is so similar to what we would define as lust. Lust is something that aesthetically pleases you instantly, but love takes everything into account, the mind, the empathy, the mannerism and the personality.
We use different parts of the brain to be in love and to feel lust. Researchers believe that early stage romantic love feelings are located mainly on the right side at the base of the brain, or the ventral midbrain, and in the middle of the brain, the caudate nucleus.Long-term attachment, on the other hand, appears to be centred in the front and base of the brain, or the ventral putamen and the pallidum.Feelings related to lust and sexual arousal occupy different areas, mostly located on the left-hand side of the brain.
But what is love without lust when you are young ? Isn't it right to lust for someone you love? But then the opposite would be a real problem, loving someone for your lust.Men can go crazy in lust . They don't want to know anything about the women, about what they like, where they are from and about how young or old they are.
Romantic lovers are a bit "crazy," since they can experience chemical imbalances within the brain.Mental health experts have linked somewhat similar imbalances to depression, anxiety and obsessive-compulsive disorders. And one thing is for sure, Lust and love can rob a man of his natural strength and defenses. He can become a mere puppet in the hands of a woman.
whts the inspiration behind these lines,huh?
Inspiration sounds like a very strong word. I am just curious how love and lust are coupled together in a complex manner.
For I lust to be in love. And so who doesn't?
Thanx for being here, scarlett
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